Quotation Explorer - 'Knowing'

The slaves didn’t get out of slavery by first figuring out how to get out. They got out by first knowing they needed to get out. - Rev. Dr. William Barber I
Privilege is not knowing that you're hurting others and not listening when they tell you. - DaShanne Stokes
With the need for the self in the time of another / I left my seaport grim and dear / knowing good work could be made / in the state governed by both Hope and Despair. - Roman Payne
You can never know everything. Part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of knowledge lies in going on anyway. - Robert Jordan
How different things might be if, rather than saying "I think I'm in love," we were saying "I've connected with someone in a way that makes me think I'm on the way to knowing love.." Or if instead of saying "I am in love" we said "I am loving" or "I will love. - bell hooks
This seems to have been St. Augustine's very notion of "memory," not just nostalgia for some past moment, but connecting past, present, and future in one complete contemplative knowing. - Richard Rohr
If you reach for the stars, but only touch the sky, isn't that better than never knowing the sweet taste of flight? - Erin Kouvas
Knowing to do the right thing, but playing stupid to oblige to it, is still lying. - Anthony Liccione
Without knowing failure how can we know success? - Nabil N. Jamal
It's my opinion, with some people, just knowing they are alone, living inside of their own miserable, self hating, dysfunctional mind, with their own immature, insecure, self pitying self is its own revenge. Their existence is their karma. - Colleen Truscott Fry
There is life and there is death, but on the border, where one shades into the other, there is the In Between. "...[M]ost people go through life without even knowing that it's there. - Katie Crouch and Grady Hendrix, The White Glove War
Knowing is never the same with understanding. - Joshua Suya Pelicano
Many of the habits of dysfunctional families use are not from the lack of love but are the result of fear. Knowing the love-limiting habits and behaviors of dysfunctional families is a wonderful beginning to lower the fear, allowing us to be real, allowing us all to learn how to love better. - David W. Earle
There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so -now- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it. - Abraham Hicks
The knowing ones must have pity on the ignorant.One who knows is willing to give up his body even for an ant,because he knows that the body is nothing. - Swami Vivekananda
We are only now on the threshold of knowing the range of the educatability of man -- the perfectibility of man. We have never addressed ourselves to this problem before.
The only lifelong, reliable motivations are those that come from within, and one of the strongest of those is the joy and pride that grow from knowing that you've just done something as well as you can do it.
Bible study without Bible experience is pointless. Knowing Psalm 23 is different from knowing the shepherd. - Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Knowing why you are is your purpose.Knowing who you are is your style.Knowing what you are is your character - Debasish Mridha
You can't live an obedient life and miss an adventure. Following the commands of Christ is not just about behavior. Behavior modification is not an end in itself in the New Testament. Transformation is about knowing the truth and the truth setting you free. - Beth Moore
...luxury is the enemy of observation, a costly indulgence that induces such a good feeling that you notice nothing. Luxury spoils and infantilizes you and prevents you from knowing the world. That is its purpose... - Paul Theroux
Very often we sit back thinking good things will happen, knowing that good things take time and hoping that someone else will do it. The world needs us! - Sharad Vivek Sagar
Knowing that an asteroid is going to hit the earth is not really useful if you are not planning to launch missiles to knock it out of the sky. You have to work massively overtime on the belief that innovation or massive change is going to happen.' Tom Martin, former VP of marketing - Heather Simmons
To be too knowing is a downfall. - Laura Linney
Each time you read a book, a tree smiles knowing there's life after death. - tumblr
This whole life is an art of knowing when to sit and when to stand up! - Mehmet Murat ildan
464Joy is found in the breath of acceptance knowing that all is well in our world, if we surrender with grace. - Jennifer Lynch
Inner peace comes from knowing the ultimate purpose of your life. - Debasish Mridha
This is what youth must figure out:Girls, love, and living.The having, the not having,The spending and giving,And the meloncholy time of not knowing.This is what age must learn about:The ABC of dying.The going, yet not going,The loving and leaving,And the unbearable knowing and knowing - E.B. White
Following a spiritual path doesn't mean we won't feel emotional pain. But faith gives us the grace and the courage to get through it and the knowing that we will heal and be a better person for it. - Eileen Anglin
The joy is in remembering; the pain is in knowing it was yesterday. - David Levithan
Contrary to popular belief: Knowing where you are from will not really tell you where you are going. It will merely tell you why you are where you are. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Love is treating yourself at least as well as you treat others, understanding when someone isn't good for you and knowing when it's time to walk away... - BJ Morin
Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you're going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus. - Oprah Winfrey
The fire and passion in a militiaman’s eyes has not been extinguished; the brightness and eagerness remain. I want to be around such men, for they are the only ones worth knowing. - Mike Klepper
Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing - Warren Buffett
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates
Maturity: knowing where you're crazy, trying to warn others of the fact and striving to keep yourself under control. - Alain de Botton
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. - Scott Adams
Truth can set you free only when you embrace it. Just knowing without accepting won't work. - Jennifer Tindugan-Adoviso
Knowing how to love unconditionally is the ultimate knowledge of life. - Debasish Mridha
Speechless and very nearly panting, she fell back against the wall with a thump, knowing that if she lived to be ninety, she would still carry the searing mark of that kiss on her soul."At last," he murmured. "A way to shut you up." Christovao Santos (Chris), Sanctuary - Sharon K. Garner
We all look for happiness, but without knowing where to find it: like drunkards who look for their house, knowing dimly that they have one - Voltaire
I already knew to eat clean and listen to my body, to only eat when I was in a calm mental state. Everyone knew. But when you're fat in the head, it's never about knowing the answers. It's about living them. - Stephanie Klein
It doesn't pain seeing who she turned out to be a face now, but knowing so much how she pretended to be who she was not for all these years without a tinge of guilt and shame. - Anuj Somany
Do you know what the difference is between knowing a bird and knowing about a bird? - Lionel Suggs
To breath through the truth is not the same with knowing it. - Sorin Cerin
Wisdom is not always discovered in a book, true wisdom is discovered in the knowing that you know nothing. - Pasha Cook
Knowing your purpose on earth is simple, but the task here is to bring about the success of your destiny. - Michael Bassey Johnson
There is little pride in writers. They know they are human and shall some day die and be forgotten. Knowing all this a writer is gentle and kindly where another man is severe and unkind. - William Saroyan
The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next. - Ursula K. LeGuin
I do not think one can assess a writer’s motives without knowing something of his early development. His subject matter will be determined by the age he lives in ... but before he ever begins to write he will have acquired an emotional attitude from which he will never completely escape. - George Orwell
The darling mispronunciations of childhood! - dear me, there's no music that can touch it; and how one grieves when it wastes away and dissolves into correctness, knowing it will never visit his bereaved ear again. - Mark Twain
Chasing a man is not winning. The only thing you win is the loss of your dignity. Confidence is knowing your value, instead of expecting a man’s love to provide you with value. - Shannon L. Alder
A woman can tolerate delays knowing they are not denials; she is diligent, and composed. She is not easily irritated like love; she endures all things, beans all things and can be stretched to any limit. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
In every bit of honest writing in the world, there is a base theme. Try to understand men, if you understand each other you will be kind to each other. Knowing a man well never leads to hate and nearly always leads to love. - John Steinbeck
Running a business well means knowing when it's time to make profit. - Auliq Ice
Maybe the secret to continued success is as simple as knowing that your past successes could be done so much better now. - Bill Loguidice
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out. - Russian proverb
Real hope is a real sense of knowing that your best days are yet to come, so dream on. What you can conceive is what you can achieve. - DeWayne Owens
Knowing me better than I think anyone shouldExcept, perhapsNo, probablyNo, definitelyDefinitely except you - Thalia Circe
Fall in love with all knowing manifestations of one. You may find those connections between you and all through yoga and meditation. - Debasish Mridha
I am thankful that in the giving we receive, and what we receive is the satisfaction of knowing that whatever we give is always bigger once we’ve given it away. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
We tend to think that it’s up to others to respect our needs and fill them for us. But that doesn’t ever work, and for the following reason:If you have a hard time knowing what it is you really need, then how on earth can you logically expect someone else to know? - Amanda Butterworth
I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you. - Walt Disney Company
Lasting peace is only found through a lifesaving relationship wit Jesus Christ... knowing Christ means that all the world might be falling apart just outside your front door, maybe just inside it - yet that inner peace, that inner knowing, remains unshaken. - Karen Kingsbury
Learn the craft of knowing how to open your heart and to turn on your creativity. There’s a light inside of you. - Judith Jamison
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. - William James
Fear is to begin with the end in mind. There is no end. Life is eternal. Live life knowing that the end was your past, and the future is only full of beautiful beginnings through an eternity built around God’s love. - Shannon L. Alder
Knowledge is knowing the depth of the ocean. Wisdom is knowing till where to swim. - Saleem Sharma
There is no knowing that does not begin with knowing God. - John Calvin
It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves - in finding themselves. - Andre Gide
Not knowing anything, not searching for anything, understanding that we can’t hold on to anything, leaves us with nothing nothing except our original nature, pure awareness. - Enza Vita
The key of success is knowing that each man you see, think you'll never make it, are the ones who definitely never score on whatever which lifegoal. - Sil Vereecken
And sometimes you realize the value of the rain by knowing how unreliable and vanishing the rainbow is. - Nur Bedeir
Life is boring. People are vengeful. Good things always end. We do so many things and we don’t know why, and if we do find out why, it’s decades later and knowing why doesn’t matter any more. - Douglas Coupland
The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is worth knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands. - Oscar Wilde
The knowing, I told myself, is only a vapor of the mind, and yet it can wreck havok with one's sanity. - Diane Ackerman
We cannot be judge and jury, the hardest thing is to understand the unknown and in knowing the hidden all things are revealed giving truth.God is watcher during all moments and at the end the real Judge. - Zarina Bibi
I’ve learnt to gather simplicity from grasshoppers. I like their naive indecisive minds never knowing exactly when to stop chirping, and I envy their ability to be able to mingle with the green… - Munia Khan
Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing. The rest is mere sheep herding. - Ezra Pound
Knowing the self is the biggest truth. If we find the truth within, we have found God. - Gian Kumar
The fear of loving a dog, is knowing one day they’ll be gone and you could never find eyes that express all that you feel. - Robert M. Drake
Arrogance is thinking you are above someone else, Confidence is knowing no one is above you. - Habeeb Akande
Amy [Winehouse] changed pop music forever, I remember knowing there was hope, and feeling not alone because of her. She lived jazz, she lived the blues. - Lady Gaga
Love is the giving from the heartWithout expecting any return.Love is the sharing the beauty of lifeWithout expecting any charm or joyLove is the caring with kindnessWithout knowing caring is the joy. - Debasish Mridha
Happiness does not come from a job. It comes from knowing what you truly value, and behaving in a way that’s consistent with those beliefs. - Mike Rowe
I would rather go out of politics having the feeling that I had done what was right than stay in with the approval of all men, knowing in my heart that I have acted as I ought not to. - Theodore Roosevelt
Time:"I spend everybody yet foolish humans tel tat they spend time without knowing that they spend only them - GANESH
And her soul died in her for fear: she knew she had never seen him, he had never seen her, they had met in the dark and had fought in the dark, not knowing whom they met nor whom they fought. - D.H. Lawrence
Not knowing what you have means not having it (at all). Not knowing where you have what you have means not having it (at all). Not knowing that you don’t own what you don’t have means never getting it. Having, not having human (being) you are. - VIRGIL PROFEANU
Long you must suffer, knowing not what,until suddenly out of spitefully chewed fruit your suffering's taste comes forth in you.Then you will love almost instantly what's tasted. No one will ever talk you out of it. - Rainer Maria Rilke
I pride myself in being a technology innovator, so our specialty at Veeam is our laser-focused commitment to R&D, but you cannot build solid solutions without knowing what the goals are for your customers. - Ratmir Timashev, CEO Veeam
Find peace in knowing. - A.D. Posey
the worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth. - Turcois Ominek
We all go through our entire lives not knowing. Wondering. Trying.Untile we sleep. - David Gaider
Satisfaction is ending each day knowing you were kind, honest and treated people well. - Karon Waddell
How many people meet by chance and then separate as if nothing has happened, without knowing that they were perfect for each other? - Donato Carrisi
Knowing when you should weigh up your options, remain calm and not take everything at face value has certain benefitsEnding the day with with a peaceful soul is one... - Virginia Alison
When we are in a foreign country we live with a fervor rooting from knowing that our days there are numbered, yet if the number of days in lives is numbered, are we not to live our everyday lives with that same zeal? - Forrest Curran
My first crush use to think I hate her cuz never find time to chat with her , is only Hi and hellow that all , but not knowing that deep down in my soul and heart she is the first and last I want , but hey is fine now , she end up with some fox who loves her , - Sikhwetha maanda
Knowing what's ETERNAL will sustain you through the EPHEMERAL. - Tehya Sky
There was a difference, I had decided, between knowing and believing. And I wanted both. - Laura Bickle
A song that wrenches the heart finds a knowing ear and a liking heart. - Auliq Ice
Knowing that one thing you want is a great step. Sure, whether you prefer or not, you'll get offers, and many will seem just like that one thing you want. - Ufuoma Apoki
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.
What is it that makes a seemingly rational man set out on a perilous journey knowing full well that the odds of success are quite remote and the consequences of failure are likely to be devastating? Is it pride, stubbornness, a yearning for adventure, or just a reckless disregard of reality? - Stan Turner
I live in the faith that there is a Presence and Power greater than I am that nurtures and supports me in ways I could not even imagine. I know that this Presence is All knowing and All Power and is Always right where I am - Ernest Holmes
The secret of winning any prize is knowing that your own treasure and potential is equal to it... and worthy of it. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
Knowing the Truth is not based on knowledge, but on being "it". - Vivian Amis
Existing is going through the motions of life with no zeal and feeling you have no control; living means embracing all that this large world has to offer and not being afraid to take chances. The beauty of living is knowing you can always start over and there's always a chance for something better. - J'son M. Lee
Intelligence is knowing what’s required of you - Julian Pencilliah
Eduaction is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. - Oscar Wilde
Knowledge is all about knowing it and Intelligence is all about using it - Prabakaran Thirumalai
Being focused in life is not only knowing what you want, but also how and why. - Unarine Ramaru
Being hurt inevitably breeds feelings of hatred towards your attacker. But when we hurt others, we have to deal with their hatred for us, and our own feelings of guilt. Knowing what it feels like to be hurt is exactly why we try to be kind to others. That’s what makes us humans. - Masashi Kishimoto
Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn. - Gore Vidal
The truth of the matter is a matter of knowing and abiding by the truth. - Sesan Kareem
The perfect state of creative bliss is having power (you are 50) and knowing nothing (you are 9). This assures an interesting and successful outcome. - Tibor Kalman
The best thing is to walk on the right path without looking back, without knowing who is following you because you must walk with your own speed, with your own freedom! Your followers will catch you or your ideas somehow somewhere ahead, somewhere in time! - Mehmet Murat ildan
A person's true character lies somewhere until after you might have pressed the wrong button without knowing, then you'll realize that there are dogs in human form. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Life is not about receiving. It's about giving, knowing that someone might learn, understand or grow that little bit from the experience. - Peter E
He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it - namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain. - Mark Twain
We change who we are to fit the exogenous of our time, and not just strategically or to our own advantage, sometimes sympathetically without our even knowing it for the betterment of the whole group. - Meryl Streep
A writer writes knowing that nothing else will elicit the same kind of satisfaction and personal triumph as molding the written word into a reader's great experience. - Richelle E. Goodrich
Plants die off when their roots have no water to sustain them. May your tears feed the roots of love in your heart and bring healing to your soul. May God grant you the strength to move on, knowing there's so much ahead of you. - Kemi Sogunle
There is a skill to learning. It is all about what is and what is not. While Science is knowing what is, Art is creating what is not. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Courage is knowing what not to fear. - Plato
~Have NO fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with YOU, therefore NO harm can befall YOU; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence~ - Pope John Paul II
Like a lost satellite, I hovered close to your orbit, knowing that at any moment I might succumb to your gravitational pull and willingly burn inside your atmosphere. - A.J. Garces
The only true wisdom is in knowing that, with love, you can win the world. - Debasish Mridha
In dark times have faith like the sun, for even when it sets it doesn’t lose hope, knowing it will rise again. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Not knowing the name of the tree,I stood in the floodof its sweet scent. - Bashō Matsuo
One has to abandon altogether the search for security, and reach out to the risk of living with both arms. One has to court doubt and darkness as the cost of knowing. - Morris L. West
I keep moving ahead, as always, knowing deep down inside that I am a good person and that I am worthy of a good life. - Jonathan Harnisch
Food is everything. It provides energy and strength to the elemental self;With knowing self; evolving side by side. - Gian Kumar
As to the gods, I have no means of knowing either that they exist or do not exist. For many are the obstacles that impede knowledge, both the obscurity of the question and the shortness of human life. - Diogenes Laërtius
Knowing is important, but understanding is essential for wisdom. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Ignorance is the worst liberation. To know even a few is better than knowing nothing at all. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Foolish wise folk sneer at you; foolish wise folk would pull up the useless lilies, the needless roses, from the garden, would plant in their places only serviceable wholesome cabbage. But the Gardener knowing better, plants the silly short-lived flowers; foolish wise folk, asking for what purpose. - Jerome K. Jerome
Our street corners keep secrets, and our road signs only suggest, never deciding for us, never knowing if the destination to which they lead is where we truely belong. - Alex Gaskarth
Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women - Maya Angelou
If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it. - Herodotus
How does the moon feel as it sees the ocean lap at your shores? The eternal pain of knowing you are there but forever out of reach... - - Morris R. Gates
To die for a cause is easy, to live, to be steady day after day doing the small things, taking care of the details, knowing you will be forgotten by history and still choosing to do so, that is real courage - Anonymous
True wealth comes less from having riches than from knowing how to live richly. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Courage is feeling fear, not getting rid of fear, knowing something is more important than fear and taking action in the face of fear. - Roy Bennett
Being brave means that knowing when you fail, you won't fail forever. - Lana Del Rey
Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing. - H.L. Mencken
I always thought the joy of reading a book is not knowing what happens next. (Leonard Shelby, Memento) - Christopher Nolan
Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in Eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity. - Voltaire
For what is love if one loves a woman without knowing her? Just a decision to love? Or even an imitation? The question concerns us all: If, from our childhood on, the examples of love were not there inviting us to copy them, would we know what "loving" means? - Milan Kundera
All those years I thought that it was power that brought responsibility. It's not. I was wrong.It's responsibility that brings power. It's knowing what needs to be done that brings strength. And courage. - Peter Parker
Courage comes from knowing that fear is a false perception. - Debasish Mridha
Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. - Oscar Wilde
You know you're in love when you open your heart knowing there’s a chance it may be broken but in opening your heart, you experience a love that you never dreamed possible. - Theresa Lewis
Not knowing that I am in the ocean of love, I am swimming to reach the island of love. - Debasish Mridha
The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook. - William James
Give yourself a break. Embrace and accept yourself for who YOU are. Love yourself and be kind to yourself. See the best in yourself! Be brave and have courage to be comfortable in your own skin. Knowing your self-worth is everything. - Stephanie Lahart
Life isn't about knowing your purpose, it's about creating it. - Tanya Masse
I love you as I love the air that surrounds me, without knowing that my life depends on it. - Debasish Mridha
Part of being a hero is knowing when you don't need to be one anymore. - Alan Moore
Knowing your ignorance is better than your knowledge. - Debasish Mridha
Samkit’ (right belief) means knowing the Soul (self). - Dada Bhagwan
One of the greatest challenge in life is not having an attitude but knowing or accepting that you have one - Ikechukwu Izuakor
What people instinctively regard as cool is real power - consistency. Pathetic is not cool. Being locked in a tragedy, but not knowing it. That's lameness. - Cory Duchesne
I will never see the day where I choose to fall upon my own sword of refuge. In knowing this, I also know that you will never ultimately defeat me; for my life is my own, and I will see to it accordingly. - Danish Sayanee
Some women are just better at knowing what they want, which saves them the trouble of wasting too much time on the wrong guy. - Alice Walsh
It's so easy to be wicked without knowing it, isn't it? - L. M. Montgomery
Knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can do. - Lucille Ball
Knowing you, I understood myself. - Kamand Kojouri
Knowing the question is more important than knowing the answer. It makes you curious, lets you think, and helps you to understand and open your mind. - Debasish Mridha
Lions are born knowing they are predators. Antelopes understand they are the prey.Humans are one of the few creatures on Earth given the choice. - Patrick H.T. Doyle
The heart aches in brokenness as daylight awakens the pain of knowing. - Phindiwe Nkosi
He accepted new ideas as readily as new trends. Knowing those worth it would last and the lessers will pass. - Hubert Martin
If you don't love yourself, it makes you incapable of knowing how to love another person. - Ellen J. Barrier
when i started i had to start no excuses and even without knowing what i am gonna to do just had to do "something" . this fire is needed to do any work otherwise people exist nd die . - jagvir ji
At what point do they believe what's been branded on their skin instead of just knowing who they are on the inside. - Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki
Use the powerful tool of thought and develop your mindset to believing and knowing you can change anything to your favour; yes, you have God`s Word so fashion your thought according to God`s Word. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Knowing something and acting on it are not the same thing. Knowledge without the application of what has been learned is useless. - Peter James West
Change is both exciting and scary. Learning new skills is the same. Having an idea of what to expect emotionally is as important as knowing what to expect from both real and imagined limitations. - Melinda West Seifert
It does not surprise so much seeing a person surrounded by many fake supporters as much when he shows elation with them in spite of knowing their true intention and, even more, when all of them know one another’s hidden selfish intent. - Anuj Somany
Knowing the answer is knowledge and knowing the question is wisdom. - Debasish Mridha
Everybody’s gotta learn, nobody’s born knowing. - Harper Lee
There are two ways of knowing how good God is: one is never to lose Him, and the other is to lose Him and then to find Him. - Fulton J. Sheen
Don't," she begged, knowing that surely she was trying his patience, that his kindness would stretch just so far, that if he were truly kind he could never have survived as a vampire. - Vivian Vande Velde
Do not judge others, without first judging yourself. There is no strength without knowing thyself. - Luis Marques
The baby, not too young to start knowing the ledge, the cold truth, the life-and-death facts of it all. 'What kind of heaven is that, you can't have your records?' The baby, understanding perhaps it was purely rhetorical, made no attempt to answer this question. - Michael Chabon
being genius does not necessarily means knowing it all or having the highest academic qualification but a persons ability to apply wisdom and common sense to common things in a distinctive manner and courageously exhibiting the latent deft to the admiration of the masses - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Not knowing is not a problem, not wondering is. - Chase Weir
A physicist is an atom's way of knowing about atoms. - George Wald
Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing. - John Locke
Not knowing about the ultimate purpose of our lives causes tremendous amounts of suffering. - Debasish Mridha
The ultimate relationship is within thyself, knowing that all other relationships are a projection or a reflection of our ability or inability to love. - Erin Fall Haskell
The only thing more dangerous then your enemy knowing how powerful you are, is your enemy not knowing how powerful you are. - Joshua Teya
Without living, how can you know? Without knowing, how can you speak? - J.E. Seanachaí
He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it, namely, that, in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain. - Mark Twain
A man can know nothing of mankind without knowing something of himself. Self-knowledge is the property of that man whose passions have their full play, but who ponders over their results. - Benjamin Disraeli
It takes your knowing to decide on your going. If you know where you are going, you will keep going because you have already seen yourself gone - Israelmore Ayivor
...but the truth is that it is only in knowing who you are at your core and staying true to yourself that you can possibly see the difference between passion and real love. - Jennifer Lopez
Authentic empowerment is the knowing that you are on purpose, doing God's work, peacefully and harmoniously. - Wayne W. Dyer
Learning and knowing something is cool, but superb knowledge comes when you leave your books and become the inner world's friend. - Michael Bassey Johnson
True Prayer is the work of relationship, where He moves them from mere information about Him to a one-on-one experience with Him, so that now when they talk about knowing God, they mean more than, I understand what you’re saying about God, but also, It fits my experience of Him. - Geoffrey Wood
The art of being wise is the art of knowing that solutions don’t come from individuals, but rather experiences. - Shannon L. Alder
fear of change is like standing under a hot shower and knowing the moment you'll turn it off you'll be freezing cold - Erik Tanghe
Heaven is by favor; if it were by merit your dog would go in and you would stay out. Of all the creatures ever made (man) is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he is the only one... that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. - Mark Twain
To be ignorant as God is ignorant, knowing only what is real. - Marty Rubin
The best part about being my age is in knowing how my life worked out. Sure, there's a lot more living to go, but there isn't much doubt that I'll always be the 'Dilbert guy.' Unless I go on a crime spree, in which case I'll be 'that stabbin' Dilbert guy.' - Scott Adams
Anyone can fail at something they really don’t want. What really takes courage is going after something you want and then failing. There is more fulfillment in life knowing that you tried, rather than settled without a fight. - Shannon L. Alder
I miss you so much! And while this hole in my heart will never be filled again, I find comfort knowing that you are nestled within the loving embrace of God… and that I was blessed to know you… even if only for a little while. - Steve Maraboli
I arrived, I saw humans and I saw through their faces. Nothing ever changes but the light in their eyes. For I too have buried my demons today, without knowing what might remain beneath the face of tomorrow. - Robert M. Drake
Just being around her made me feel better. She had an amber shade aura to her that filled any cracks and brokenness I hadn't yet fixed. I could be myself around her, knowing full well she held on as I let go. - Hubert Martin
I am satisfied-For the peace that has graciously engulfed my tender heart.I am home-Because of the abundance of love that I have given myself.I am enlightened-For the journey I have embarked in knowing my higher self.I am complete-Because I now realize that I was always whole. - Karen A. Baquiran
Knowing that others want to read my writing is the greatest inspiration to write. - David Rose
The more you believe, the more you doubt. The more you doubt, the more you ask questions. Knowing that questions left unanswered is the best proof for your belief. - Sandra Chami Kassis
Knowing that there is worse pain doesn't make present pain hurt any less. - Gordon Atkinson
The eye by which I see God is the same as the eye by which God sees me. My eye and God's eye are one and the same-one in seeing, one in knowing, and one in loving. - Meister Eckhart
Knowing trees, I came to realize, understand and appreciate the act of patience. - Ogwo David Emenike
There's no point in knowing without enlightenment, yet edified insights arouse movement. - JT Sanz
The strange thing about loneliness is that we feel it most intently when we are with people. Loneliness is the knowing in our heart that we were created to really, truly know each other in the deepest sense but we feel stuck with superficiality. - Dannah Gresh
Compassion means knowing that I may never find that person who understands my pain but through my struggle I can become one who understands. - Rachel Hamilton
The people I've known who wanted to become writers, knowing what it meant, did become writers. - John Gardner
Your favorite author knows you too well, without knowing you at all. - Vanshika Dhyani
Cool people are only cool for the first thirty minutes of knowing them. After that, they just become annoying. - Carroll Bryant
Griff held his breath, waiting for it, knowing the axe would fall and he‘d start dying as soon as he walked out the fucking door, and Dante would just grin and joke and try to forget what they had done together in this room. - Damon Suede
Wisdom is knowing when you have enough. - Marty Rubin
Knowing is half the battle.
A flower just blooms without knowing who will enjoy and appreciate her beauty. - Debasish Mridha
The key to genius is knowing how to make connections. - Nor Sanavongsay
People use what you want against you... without you knowing it. - Deyth Banger
It’s a truth I love you,It’s a hope you do,And may I live and die with it,Not knowing that you don’t. - Amit Abraham
Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not. - Oprah Winfrey
I feel ashamed that so many of us cannot imagine a better way to do things than locking children up all day in cells instead of letting them grow up knowing their families, mingling with the world, assuming real obligations, striving to be independent and self-reliant and free. - John Taylor Gatto
True courage is in knowing that there is nothing to scare you. - Debasish Mridha
Don’t judge someone’s choices without first knowing their reason. - Robert Tew
The hard thing isn't getting what you want, it's knowing what you want. - Marty Rubin
Faith isn't hearing the voice of God. It's listening and hearing nothing, but moving toward the miracle anyway. God hears us even when we don't hear him. Knowing that requires real faith. - Toni Sorenson
Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape. - bell hooks
Try to understand men. If you understand each other you will be kind to each other. Knowing a man well never leads to hate and almost always leads to love. - John Steinbeck
Man, by thinking, can bring into his experience whatsoever he desires--if he thinks correctly, and becomes a living embodiment of his thoughts. This is not done by holding thoughts but by knowing the Truth. - Ernest Holmes
We want far better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them.
We can't underestimate the value of silence. We need to create ourselves, need to spend time alone. If you don't, you risk not knowing yourself and not realizing your dreams. - Jewel
Knowing comes from learning, finding from seeking. - Vaddey Ratner
Many go fishing without knowing it is fish they are after. - Henry David Thoreau
Most of us will perish before knowing who we are and why we came here. - Debasish Mridha
Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering. - Paulo Coelho
A friend is one to whom you can pour out the contents of your heart, chaff and grain alike. Knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away. - Unknown
It's all knowing what to start with. If you start in the right place and follow all the steps, you will get to the right end. - Elizabeth Moon
Having the courage to speak one's mind is as important as knowing when the time is right to do so. - Nana Awere Damoah
Some people think only intellect counts: knowing how to solve problems, knowing how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it. But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion, and empathy. - Dean Koontz
Knowing that I have found my soul mate makes my life complete. - ZAKIYA AND MAJID
The enemy of learning is knowing. - Steve Ahn
Effective leadership is doing important things first. Effective management is knowing what is important. - Debasish Mridha
You only know me as an ordinary human being, with flesh, blood and bones, but there is something about me too hard for you to decipher, for if i let you, you will ever regret knowing me. - Michael Bassey Johnson
Sometimes it’s about knowing people, all of the time, it’s about knowing God! - Chinonye J. Chidolue
Knowing beauty is not what can be described but felt, upon looking at something beautiful. - Benjamin Meadows
She used to wander through the past as often as it beckoned her, bemoaning the loss of nostalgia. Then, for a while, she turned from it, blissfully free of its noxious clutch, and now it's back, taunting her with what she left behind, knowing she can never recapture what's gone. - Donna Lynn Hope
Bravery is not found in getting knocked down. Rather, bravery is found is getting back up knowing that you’re going to get knocked down again. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
A Spiritual Samaritan lives knowing that if we were to leave this world tomorrow, we were the best humans we could be and we touched the lives of as many souls as possible. We are not asked to be perfect. We are asked to make a difference. - Molly Friedenfeld
Life in the Kingdom of God is accepting and knowing Jesus Christ, it is studying and applyingHis teachings to your life. - Sunday Adelaja
The more extensive a man's knowledge of what has been done, the greater will be his power of knowing what to do. - Benjamin Disraeli
When creativity is running rampant, it is imperative that we get carried away by it never knowing what we will create or whom we will inspire! - Ingrid Ancona
Anyone could see that this woman is living a nightmare. Except that she goes through her daily life wide awake, knowing that she could make a mistake at any moment. - Núria Añó
All sanity depends on this: that it should be a delight to feel heat strike the skin, a delight to stand upright, knowing the bones are moving easily under the flesh. - Doris Lessing
There is... nothing greater than touching the shore after crossing some great body of water knowing that I've done it with my own two arms and legs. - Diana Nyad
Discretion is knowing how to hide that which we cannot remedy. - Spanish Proverb
Education shouldn’t be boring. It should stimulate the imagination and fill minds with the joy of knowing. - Debasish Mridha M.D.
Sometimes we dream of things that we've always wanted--of things that we have been searching for our whole lives without knowing it...and other times we wake up and know what we have to do. I have to write...so I do. - Cassandra Giovanni
Joy comes from knowing that God is at work in your life in spite of your circumstances. - Jim George
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. - Albert Einstein
The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - never knowing. - David Viscott
The best way to live is by not knowing what will happen to you at the end of the day... - Donald Barthelme
The only thing that lasts longer than a friend's love is the stupidity that keeps us from knowing any better. - Randy K. Milholland
So many people live their lives not knowing the real and exact reasons why they live. They follow anything for something and they do something for anything. When you live life with a blurry vision, you live a blurry life. Vision is life, and a life without vision is a dead life - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Nothing's so apt to undermine your confidence in a product as knowing that the commercial selling it has been approved by the company that make it. - Franklin P. Jones
What if the actual sin was that despite the fact of knowing how cruel and unfair this world is; we still bring children to life? - Sandra Chami Kassis
Live in the mysterious. Accepting and being fully at peace with not knowing what's going to happen in the future will allow us to be fully present and more peaceful in the present. - Matthew Donnelly
Knowing God is like listening to beautiful music. His words have power. He lifts me up & soothes my soul. He makes me dance. He gives me joy. - Germany Kent
Science isn't just about blowing things up. Rather it's about blowing things up and knowing how you did it. - William Gurstelle
I have never felt that anything really mattered but knowing that you stood for the things in which you believed and had done the very best you could. - Eleanor Roosevelt
Impact is never about knowing all the steps ahead, but about taking one intentional step after the other. - Bidemi Mark-Mordi
The Art of Love: knowing how to combine the temperment of a vampire with the discretion of an anemone.
The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness. - William Saroyan
Through all of youth I was looking for youwithout knowing what I was looking for - W.S. Merwin
If knowing something got you where you needed to go, you'd already be there. Put your hand to your heart. Take a deep breath in. It knows. - Eileen Anglin
Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence. - Hal Borland
What keeps you confident in a healthy way is knowing that everyone else around you is going to support you and teach you and you're going to learn from them. I just feel open to learning from people. - Elizabeth Olsen
Not knowing how to feed the spirit, we try to muffle its demands in distraction...What matters is that one be for a time inwardly attentive. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Christmas has a dark side. It’s painful for those of us who lost loved ones during the holidays. What puts it back into sparkling perspective is knowing that Christ was born so that we might all be reunited again. That’s the real sparkle in Christmas. - Toni Sorenson
In this world, it is a great Self-effort to deliberately remain ignorant despite knowing, right? I deliberately remain ignorant in spite of having the Knowledge. - Dada Bhagwan
pain is pondering about past and wishing to relive those moments even after knowing it's impossible. - shivangi lavaniya
Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more. - Confucius
It’s knowing what really matters, what it is you’re chasing or avoiding and what makes you feel alive that propels you into a place where your beautiful soul can shine. - Dawn Garcia
The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating. - Eric Micha'el Leventhal
Knowing it without understanding it is enough for one to be qualified a fool;Understanding without relative adherence, masters one in foolishness. - Caleb Ricketts
Who am I?’- Not knowing this is the greatest death to the Soul (one’s own self)! - Dada Bhagwan
To be wicked is never excusable, but there is some merit in knowing that you are; the most irreparable of vices is to do evil from stupidity. - Charles Baudelaire
I wanted to become the seeker, the aroused and passionate explorer, and it was better going at it knowing nothing at all, always choosing the unmarked bottle, always choosing your own unproven method, armed with nothing but faith and a belief in astonishment. - Pat Conroy
The best thing about being eighty-eight is knowing I'm not going to die young.
Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not. - Oprah Winfrey
When you're lying in bed at night and regrets from the day come to steal your sleep... "I should have" "If only I'd" "I wish I'd"...grab one of them and turn it into an "I will" and sleep peacefully knowing tomorrow will be a better day. - L.R. Knost
There is no shame in ignorance, only in denying it. By knowing what we do not know, we can take steps to remedy our lack of knowledge - Graham McNeill
Don't judge someone's choices without first knowing their reason. - Robert Tew
One of my favourite things about being an author is waking up knowing that there are worlds just waiting to be discovered and created. - C.S. Woolley
Knowing that you are perfect as you are does not mean you will no longer grow. It means that everything you've experienced up to this moment has made you who you are, and that is perfection. Tomorrow, you will be an even more perfect version of yourself. - Julie-Anne
People seek light in the external darkness Not knowing that the Light is within.Close your physical eyes and see with your inner vision.Open your eyes and see what before was invisible to you. - Raphael Zernoff
Stop waiting for the permission to do your life's greatest work, the earth isn't getting any younger. Jump into action knowing that you are either running by God's side or God is running with you in his arms towards your goals, your dreams, and your destiny. - Monika Zands
The only thing more dangerous than your enemy knowing how powerful you are, is your enemy not knowing how powerful you are - Joshua Teya
I’m grateful for being here, for being able to think, for being able to see, for being able to taste, for appreciating love for knowing that it exists in a world so rife with vulgarity, with brutality and violence, and yet love exists. I’m grateful to know that it exists. - Maya Angelou
A little politeness might smooth the way ahead. Knowing it was his turn to be dispatched, the best he could hope for was as swift a death as the one Massetti had so thanklessly received. - Victoria Lamb
I never liked hearing anyone say I was the new George Gershwin, because I knew I could have never even carried that man's music case. If George Gershwin hadn't died when he was thirty-nine years old, there is no knowing how much more great music he would have written. - Burt Bacharach
I don't know what's more tragic, knowing how to read and choosing not to, or not knowing how to read and refusing to learn. - Patricia Goldbach
Chasing your dreams is like running a race in the dark, you may quit disheartened, not knowing you were one step away from the finish line. - Prerna Kumar
Every day you should up with the excitement in knowing that God’s plans for you are far greater than your dreams for yourself. The best is yet to come! - DeWayne Owens
Knowing others is Wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment - Lao Tzu
Knowing the truth is important, but following the truth is much more important. - Debasish Mridha
Death is the easy part, the hard part is living and knowing you could be so much more then you’re willing to be. - Robert M. Drake
«And in the end» said the witch to the drowning prince «You've been the one choosing the thornless path in spite of knowing where it could lead. The one who afraid of the pricking roses, plunged himself into an abyss without petals - Nur Bedeir
Identity the greatest thing that ever happened to all humanity on earth. Identity the source of knowing who you are and where you come from. Identity the source of understanding yourself and makes you proud to be the person who you are, the daughter, the son of the Most High God. - Euginia Herlihy
Read books. Care about things. Get excited. Try not to be too down on youself. Enjoy the ever present game of knowing. - Hank Green
We grown-up people think that we appreciate music, but if we realized the sense that an infant has brought with it of appreciating sound and rhythm, we would never boast of knowing music. The infant is music itself. - Hazrat Inayat Khan
Only the subject's individual consciousness can testify for the unwitnessed acts, and there is no act more deprived of external testimony than the act of knowing. - Olavo de Carvalho
I was born not knowing and have only had a little time to change that here and there. - Richard Feynman
Without even knowing, humanity actually worships not an Entity, rather a mental state. - Abhijit Naskar
Learning a language is not interesting than knowing how it works. - Ritesh Shrivastav
Well you found us strength and solutions but I liked the tensionAnd not always knowing the answers when you're gonna lose it, you're gonna lose it. - Hayley Williams
I love knowing that I am part of your happiness. - Auliq Ice
Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forego an advantage. - Benjamin Disraeli
I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something. - Richard Feynman
She wore her sexuality with an older woman's ease, and not like an awkward purse, never knowing how to hold it, where to hang it, or when to just put it down. - Zadie Smith
The Loguidice Fitness Equation: Eating Right + Knowing How to Workout + Consistency = Success - Bill Loguidice
Knowing what you can not do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that's good taste. - Lucille Ball
And by knowing what we fear, don't we know what we care about, how we are measuring our worth, what success looks like?" I asked. So isn't fear helpful, then? - Patti Digh
Good sex is about knowing each other's deepest and kinkiest desires. - Abhijit Naskar
Every day you should wake up with the excitement in knowing that God’s plans for you are far greater than your dreams for yourself. The best is yet to come! - DeWayne Owens
Realism is knowing fantasy and reality intersect constantly. Realism is living with the awareness that every act changes the world. - Ales Kot
Everyday, I end up with your chat on top. Everyday, I end with knowing you a bit more. Don't know whether you're mine or not, but everyday is making me the right person to you. - sbhankar
We need teachers. We need to be teachers. Knowing when for each, is wisdom - Rick Beneteau
Personal happiness lies in knowing that life is not a checklist of acquisition or achievement. Your qualifications are not your life. - J. K. Rowling
Humility and shame have been confused. Humility is knowing that you know nothing for sure and shame is someone having to tell you. - Erica Goros
Knowing a person's true identity - it feels wonderful & painful at the same time. It feels wonderful because you will know a lot more about him. It feels painful because you only have one choice, it is "acceptance". - Jan
Knowing the why is vastly more important than knowing the how. - Debasish Mridha
It is supposed to be true that those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it. I dont believe knowing can save us. What is constant in history is greed and foolishness and a love of blood and this is a thing that even God - who knows all that can be known - seems powerless to change. - Cormac McCarthy
A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly, knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer, and thus emerge stronger. You don't have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial, and uninformed. - Nelson Mandela
it's something rebellious about picking up and leaving buying a one way ticket and not knowing when you want to return. - Turcois Ominek
Knowing one day, I will be gone, makes me live fuller life. - Lailah Gifty Akita
Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it. - M.H. McKee
Music and comedy are so linked. The rhythm of comedy is con­nected to the rhythm of music. They’re both about creating tension and knowing when to let it go. I’m always surprised when somebody funny is not musical. - Conan O'Brien
Stupid men are the only ones worth knowing after all. - Jane Austen
Go ahead and point out my flaws and weaknesses to me. In doing so it's just something to get excited about! Knowing there's a flaw that my Heavenly Daddy wants to make beautiful is rather exciting! - Melissa Bradley
Not knowing you can't do something, is sometimes all it takes to do it. - Ally Carter
True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. - Socrates
Knowing what you don't want in life is almost as helpful as having a five year plan. Vision doesn't always mean you know exactly what you want to do or where you want to be in life; sometimes, vision is knowing where you don't want to be in order to find where you should end up! - Amanda Bernardo
And like that, I said goodbye to my grandmother like we were two people who met in a coffee shop, shared a lifetime of stories and left wanting more, but knowing we’d meet there again. - Darnell Lamont Walker
No one worth knowing assumes anything about you. - - JP Rattie
Stand strong in your value. That starts by knowing your value. - Julieanne O'Conner
I love knowing that people now own a piece of a world that I created. - Ainsley Peace
The only way of knowing a person is to love them without hope. - Walter Benjamin
The historian, on the contrary, cannot experiment and can rarely observe. Instead, the historian has to collect his own evidence, knowing, all the while, that some of it is useless and much of it unreliable." -Professor Charles Homer Haskins - Jill Lepore
Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Forgiveness is knowing and remembering what happened, but choosing to move beyond it. - Ashley Ormon
Sometimes it's not about your opinion; it's about what's right...and knowing the difference. - Nina Guilbeau
Fate can not be proven or disproven so act knowing that destiny is a product of your every thought and every action. - Matthew Donnelly
It might be well enough to wander if you've a place and people to come back to, but I tell you now there's no desolation like wanting to go home and truly not knowing where it is. - Elizabeth Kerner
Words were sometimes like ammo. They could strike you with fear worse than an arrow. And worse was sometimes knowing ahead a time what the words were. - Cyndi Goodgame
Boundaries represent awareness, knowing what the limits are and then respecting those limits. - David W. Earle
A person who wants to know everything eventually comes to a stage where his/her curiosity of knowing everything comes to an end and that is the stage of Enlightenment. - Sangita Pareek
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
some people fall right through the hole in their lives. It's invisible, but they come to it after time, never knowing where. - Louise Erdrich
Live your questions now, and perhaps even without knowing it, you will live along some distant day into your answers. - Rainer Maria Rilke
I thought being an adult meant knowing what you believe, but that has not been my experience.
We are born not knowing anything,and then we die not knowing everything. - Matshona Dhliwayo
Waiting Hurts. Forgetting Hurts. But not knowing which decision to take is the worst of suffering. - Paulo Coelho
Some people think only intellect counts: knowing how to solve problems, knowing how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it. But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion and empathy.
Education is an admirable thing, but it is well worth remembering from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. - Oscar Wilde
We are all born artists. The nature generally doesn’t discriminate among newborns with respect to art. Yet most of us try very hard as we grow, without knowing, to stop being artists. - Pawan Mishra
In knowing you I, discovered my self. - Aisha Mirza
I rest in ease, knowing there are others out there, whispering themselves to sleep, just like me. - Charlotte Eriksson
Once you know what you want, narrow the options, make your choices, and go for it. But until you do, embrace not knowing. - Jen Doll
Knowing what you don't know is the beginning of wisdom. - Debasish Mridha
It's a pretty amazing to wake up every morning, knowing that every decision I make is to cause as little harm as possible. It's a pretty fantastic way to live. - Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
There is nothing so pitiful as a young cynic because he has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing. - Maya Angelou
Knowing how things work is the basis for appreciation, and is thus a source of civilized delight. - William Safire
There's a difference between knowing the Path and walking the Path. - Andy and Larry Wachowski
The good may lose; the bad may win! Remember this! Because knowing this increases the chance of the good to win! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Healing is that place where we step into 20 seconds of insane courage because we need to either close that door or hold it open. Regardless of the outcome, the truth is what sets you free never the fear of not knowing. - Shannon L. Alder
Change will force you to step off the path, to venture from the nest, to close your eyes and dive right in, knowing that the greatest opportunities in life are found in the sink or swim, do or die moments. - Stella Payton
Life is not about receiving. It is about giving, knowing that someone might learn, understand or grow that little bit from the experience - Peter Ellis
I've never been in love. I will die without knowing what it feels like to need to see one person's face when you go to sleep at night, to crave seeing it when you wake up. I wish I knew. - Libba Bray
Maybe there is no one way to deal with grief, but knowing that we're not totally alone is the best we can do. - Ann Benjamin
The devil can be a clown of prizes in moments like these. Moments of knowing you’ve ventured too far down the wrong path and all you can do is accept more prizes ... - J.M. August
I don't want to be rich and famous but I want to die knowing I stood infront of a broken man and gave him one reason to smile again. - Nikki Rowe
Not many can admit their fears, but those who can lead a fulfilling life of happiness knowing they hide nothing and need not to.
Everything worth knowing about the 1980s I learned from obsessively reading Bloom County collections when I was nine and Derek Jarman's diaries when I was twenty. - Ruadhán J. McElroy
Knowing all the languages in the world could help you to really understand all the jokes you can hear... from my future Kids' Funny Business. - Ivan Stoikov
If you walk through a door with dead locks,bolts and chains don't betray or turn your back on that trust.The privilege of knowing all that goes on behind that door should be treated as an extraordinary gift.For many people will only ever see half of the real person they've known for years. - Anonymous
We shouldn't teach great books; we should teach a love of reading. Knowing the contents of a few works of literature is a trivial achievement. Being inclined to go on reading is a great achievement. - B.F. Skinner
The power of your prayer lies in your knowing that God is there right beside you. - Sunday Adelaja
I'd heard it all the time, 'Live in the moment.' But if I did that, I'd weigh more than a dump truck. Losing weight wasn't about the moment at all; it was about having faith in the future. It was about knowing there would be another meal in a few hours. - Stephanie Klein
Knowing that the brain is predisposed to religion and spirituality, then might it be that God is a creation of the brain? - Stephen Richards
Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,Love is knowing I am everything,and between the two my life moves. - Nisargadatta Maharaj
It's possible to remain long in the state of deprivation if you are not aware you can escape it. Knowing what exists and who you are is enough to inform you to make ideal choices. - Israelmore Ayivor
Wisdom is knowing what to do next; Skill is knowing how to do it, and Virtue is doing it. - David Starr Jordan
In life we come across people who ditch us, break us. But we still continue to trust. We are scared of getting hurt again but we still trust, still share and still open our hearts to them. Why? Why do we trust even after knowing that people change? - Anonymous
Don't let yourself die without knowing the wonder of fucking with love. - Gabriel García Márquez
I looked directly in front of me, and there he was, Sitting. Dark, Handsome, Distinguished, and waiting on me.Without ever knowing it. - Andrea L'Artiste
Spiritual pain is when you can’t stand another moment not knowing the real truth, and when you finally do know you can’t let go. - Shannon L. Alder
God has said for us to know bad, as bad and good, as good. But while knowing the bad, there should not be the slightest abhorrence towards it and while knowing the good, there should not be slightest attachment towards it. Without knowing bad, as bad, the good cannot be known as good. - Dada Bhagwan
By now, she was far from the scorch of these sands. After the ransom deal, she would be safely married in England. To Ashton. And Caine, who had hurt her far more than anything Abdullah had planned for her with that long, curved dagger, deserved no better than this torment of knowing it. - V.S. Carnes
A true joy in life should be knowing that you have touched the heart of another human being - Steven Aitchison
The trick to being smart is knowing when to play dumb. - V. Alexander
What we often feel in ecstatic moments in this world - 'I don't ever want this to stop' - will be the constant thought of our hearts in that world. We shall think it, knowing that in fact it never WILL stop. - J.I. Packer
Every little trifle, for some reason, does seem incalculably important today, and when you say of a thing that 'nothing hangs on it,' it sounds like blasphemy. There's never any knowing - (how am I to put it?) - which of our actions, which of our idlenesses won't have things hanging on it for ever. - E.M. Forster
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. - Aristotle
And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all. - Socrates
I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear. - Rosa Parks
They scooped out our insides, Saul. We're not responsible for that. We're not responsible for what happened to us. None of us are. Fred said. But our healing--that's up to us. That's what saved me. Knowing it was my game. - Richard Wagamese
Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing. - H. L. Mencken
An important part of deciding where we want to go, as a society and culture, is knowing where we have come from, and indeed, how far we have come. - Sara Sheridan
It's not about people believing the story. It's about you knowing and holding it to be true. - Joan Ambu
So many people live life without knowing the life they are living. We must get a reasonable reason for living - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
So much of life isn’t about having the right answer; it’s about knowing the right question. - Duane Hewitt
[He] said don't let them take you over. Walk into the room knowing you are the best. Shoulders back, chin up. Their attitudes will totally change. - Misty Copeland
Wisdom is having things right in your lifeand knowing why. - William Stafford
We often end our journeys without beginning them. We learn about the world without knowing ourselves. - Debasish Mridha
Writing is like sausage making in my view; you'll all be happier in the end if you just eat the final product without knowing what's gone into it. - George R.R. Martin
Few of us have reached such impasses to claim ourselves to be almighty; as of yet I am not one of the few. Knowing this though sets me apart from the two sides of the many. - James Emlund
The best wisdom is knowing not to judge anyone and to be kind to everyone. - Debasish Mridha
Seeming and knowing made hideous faces at one another across the breadth of her mind. - Pamela Dean
The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living - Jules Henri Poincaré
There is a way in which the collective knowledge of mankind expresses itself, for the finite individual, through mere daily living... a way in which life itself is sheer knowing. - Laurens Van der Post
Ne wonders what it is like to burn, staring at one’s ending right around the corner, and yet not knowing how the end will come, when one will be fully consumed by the void. - Teo Yi Han
nothing that is worth knowing can be taught - Oscar Wilde
I believe that death should not be feared instead we should endure life and give our best even though life isn't always fair we shall always enjoy life the way it comes and if death is upon us its cause its time for us to go knowing that there is something better for us..... - Miguel Angel Puma
Diplomacy is the art of knowing what not to say. - Matthew Trump
It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
True freedom is when all the stories, all the insights, all the realizations, concepts, beliefs and positions dissolve. What remains is what you are; a vast, conscious, luminous space simply resting in itself, not knowing a thing, at the point where all things are possible. - Enza Vita
It's a nice feeling, Knowing, Someone lived easier Because I was alive. - Nikki Rowe
Depression exist without you knowing it, even denying it. It is not an illusion. You don't even know you're in it. It takes awhile before you realize it. If you deny it, it means your still in there or else you won't talk about your misery and the dramas in your life. - Ann Marie Aguilar
Knowing your true self will help you work more effectively to reach your goals. It will lead you down the road to success. It will bring you a calmness that will improve your attitude and your relationships with others. - Auliq Ice
I understood finding the place you are born in an unbearable prison and wanting something completely different from what you are familiar with, knowing it represents a haven. - Jamaica Kincaid
Prayer is knowing that what I ask for is always far bigger than what I could ever articulate, but it is never too big for God to understand nor is it ever too vast for Him to deliver. - Craig D. Lounsbrough
God put us here, on this carnival ride. We close our eyes never knowing where it'll take us next. - Carrie Underwood
Life is boring. People are vengeful. Good things always end. We do so many things and we don't know why, and if we do find out why, it's decades later and knowing why doesn't matter any more. - Douglas Coupland
It turns out that knowing how loved we are by God makes all the difference in the kind of people we will become. - Jonathan Martin
If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with. - Michael Jackson
Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and ablities were used in a way that served others. - Marianne Williamson
The key to knowing joy is being easily pleased. - Mark Nepo
For a writer, I'm not sure that feeling of knowing you've just written something good and strong can be trumped. Not because it means I did something right. But because it proves how many wrongs I pushed through to get there. - Cara Rosalie Olsen
I want to disabuse people of the idea that knowledge is power. Knowing how to get to Detroit is not the same thing as having the bus fare. - Andrew Vachss
While one can love an irresponsible friend or a person with character flaws, alliances are built on respect, the responsibilities which arise out of that and knowing that together we can be stronger. - Gisela Hausmann "Naked Determination 41 Stories About Overcoming Fear"
Quote from FUTURE GONE:…I set the house on fire. It’s dark outside. The fire tears down the darkness. I turn my back to the place and leave, not knowing where. And suddenly I understand…All dreams are dead now. - Alexandar Tomov
Knowing what you don't want is the same thing as knowing nothing. - Marty Rubin
You’ll know that you and the vision are one when your actions flow out of a knowing that’s greater than your fears. Sure, you might be stunned by an obstacle, but it doesn’t determine your ultimate response. Your ultimate response comes from your true, authentic, pure voice. - Suzette Hinton
I love knowing that you love me like I love. Without your love, I could not live. - Auliq Ice
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks of everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. - Brian Tracy
The best knowledge is knowing yourself and your inner being. - Debasish Mridha
Knowing I lov'd my books, he furnish'd me From mine own library with volumes that I prize above my dukedom. - William Shakespeare
He left not knowing where he was going, he got there not knowing where he was, and he came back not knowing where he had been. But history books will point out Columbus as the person who made the Americas available for exploitation. I guess I can make the same kind of ridiculous claim. - Herschell Gordon Lewis
Real integrity comes from knowing oneself and believing in truth, without compromise, and no matter how challenging. Integrity is a beautiful thing. - Sameh Elsayed
Families living in dysfunction seldom have healthy boundaries. Dysfunctional families have trouble knowing where they stop and others begin. - David W. Earle
People form close friendships by knowing private things about each other, and the reason most people don't make close friends is because they're too embarrassed to share anything really important about themselves. - Eliezer Yudkowsky
Flowers wither knowing that you exist. - Timothy Joshua
The poor fool hadn't realized that if all mankind shares a folly or an illusion, and likes to share it even knowing what it is, then the illusion is much more valuable and fine a kind of thing than the ass who wants to upset it. - John Dickson Carr
Sometimes your dearest friend whom you reveal most of your secrets to becomes so deadly and unfriendly without knowing that they were not really your friend. - Michael Bassey Johnson
So… die!?When is going to die this guy or that woman in series!????Kind of fucked up… knowing the answer and continue watching.( Dexter, Person of Interest, Breaking Bad - On thoughts) - Deyth Banger
Without knowing every single detail in a man’s life, we cannot judge whether he is a good person or not! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Is that so tragic: to die not knowing? - Marty Rubin
I do not blame himfor not knowing the gentleness of my soul.When I only showed him,how violently I loved. - Saiber
Delighting in the Lord, knowing His Word, and committing yourself to Him are ways to ensure that your plans and desires for yourself match God’s plans. - Elizabeth George
The way of words, of knowing and loving words, is a way to the essence of things, and to the essence of knowing. - John Dunne
Oh no-"she began.It shocked her to be right. Parent's were right, not children. Children could say anything, Arriety knew and enjoy saying it- knowing always they were safe and wrong. - Mary Norton
A woman, especially if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can. - Jane Austen
Seeing a miracle will inspire you, but knowing you are a miracle will change you. - Deborah Brodie
Beauty shouldn’t be about changing yourself to achieve an ideal or be more socially acceptable. Real beauty, the interesting, truly pleasing kind, is about honoring the beauty within you and without you. It’s about knowing that someone else’s definition of pretty has no hold over you. - Golda Poretsky
It's not doing what is right that's hard for a President. It's knowing what is right. - Lyndon Johnson
When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly. - Edward Teller
Knowing more than someone does not necessarily mean that you know every single thing they know. - Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Ignorance is bliss Knowing is depressing Wisdom is peace - S.R
Aristotle was famous for knowing everything. He taught that the brain exists merely to cool the blood and is not involved in the process of thinking. This is true only of certain persons. - Will Cuppy
A friend worth knowing tolerates your flaws while a friend worth keeping loves you in spite of them. - K.E. Garvey
A friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away. - George Eliot
Just knowing that there is no gate to pass through doesn’t mean that we are at the end of the search, not if we are still standing outside that gateless gate. - Enza Vita
You cannot take what I already know from me. You cannot withhold what I do not know from me because I have no knowledge of that which I do not know. And you cannot prevent me from knowing what I am supposed to know because the universe will find a way to reveal it to me. - Shantelee R. Brown
A benefit of friendship is knowing whom to tell secrets to. - Alessandro Manzoni
We cannot view the world through another being's eyes. Love is knowing, without a doubt, another's perception of the world and being content with having no evidence.
As long as one is involved in worldly interactions, there is pleasure of the mind; and after knowing the Self (Soul), there is bliss of the Soul. - Dada Bhagwan
Waking up next to you is what I like the most, knowing that you belong only to me makes me very happy. Being with you is all I need to be happy. - Auliq Ice
Oh, Death was never enemy of ours!We laughed at him, we leagued with him, old chum.No soldier's paid to kick against His powers.We laughed, knowing that better men would come,And greater wars: when each proud fighter bragsHe wars on Death, for lives; not men, for flags. - Wilfred Owen
Understanding your dog and knowing how to control him, develop his potentials, and resolve behavior problems, emotional conflicts and frustrations are no less essential than love and respect. - Michael W. Fox
Loving yourself is the first step towards knowing what you would and wouldn't take from people - it determines not just the way people treat you but the relationships you keep in the first place - Mr Imbuya
Love is when he is hungry and you feed him. Love is knowing when he is hungry. - Paullina Simons
I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled [poets] to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean. - Socrates
Learn always and wherever possible, knowing that you'll never learneverything. - Eraldo Banovac
I had never before considered leaving my religion, my family, my customs, and my beliefs behind. It was all that I had ever known. Would it be worth it to give it all up? I had no way of knowing. It was frightening even to contemplate a life beyond - Carolyn Jessop
I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there. - Richard Feynman
When a man finds this kind of woman, he will go all out for her knowing that she will not be a letdown. - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
What is not worth understanding is not knowing. - Caleb Ricketts
Wisdom is knowing what to do next. Virtue is doing it. - David Starr Jordan
the worst part about being lied to is knowing you werent worth the truth - Jean-Paul Sartre
Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources - C.E.M. Joad
Thinking things has been done through the ages; knowing things remains to be done.
she delighted in being of the same substance as them, and in knowing that when she died her flesh would nourish other lives as they had nourished her. - Philip Pullman
The sad thing was in the knowing that all their nerve would get them nowhere in the world and that they were lost as all the people in Brooklyn seem lost when the day is nearly over and even though the sun is still bright, it is thin and doesn’t give you warmth when it shines on you. - Betty Smith
What you have in hand may be of less essence to knowing and using what you have in hand - Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
How beautiful it is to have inner peace while knowing that everyone is busy with their own battles in life. - Debasish Mridha
Knowing is important, but understanding is everything. - Debasish Mridha
It is easy to find the problem. Knowing the difference between critique and criticism is the solution. Condition your rawhide for growth. (Either way). - JT Sanz
What makes me feel rich is spending time with my children, knowing we are making beautiful memories together. - Brigitte Nicole
we can look underneath a rock or we can gaze upward into the skywe may choose to hear the whisper, or only turn to feel the warmth of a breathall to grasp the moment a message is passing bye, knowing all the time that we are not alone by chance... - levi paul taylor
It's impossible to know everything about everything but the real pleasure lies in knowing something about everything - Anubhav Mishra
Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because of someone’s version of reality is not your reality. - Shannon L. Alder
... And when the time comes to choose yet another dream, I shall smile knowing that I had a life with no less challenges than others, but I chose to respond to them with love. - Raphael Zernoff
This is the key to life: To expect everything to be given to you from above, yet to be genuinely surprised and forever grateful, when they are. Expecting all good things to be yours, while not knowing how to take anything for granted. If there may be a key in life, this is the key. - C. JoyBell C.
Without failing at one thing, there won't be an opportunity to try again, learn and grow. Life isn't static but dynamic. Learn to embrace whatever situation you may face and strive to overcome. Believe in yourself, knowing your best is yet to come. - Kemi Sogunle
There is nothing quite so tragic as a young cynic, because it means the person has gone from knowing nothing to believing nothing. - Maya Angelou
There is peace in knowing that whatever one thinks it is not the truth. - Marty Rubin
There are other ways of knowing than just through reason. - Gerald Morris
The only true wisdom is in knowing that with love you can win the world. - Debasish Mridha
Don't be afraid of who you're not.. Be afraid of never knowing who you are. Defend your authentic self. - Karen Laffey
...the presence of each other and a lusty love of being, of living and knowing there was tomorrow and God knows how many more tomorrows and each a life and sufficient in itself... - Josephine Johnson
Matters of religion should never be matters of controversy. We neither argue with a lover about his taste, not condemn him, if we are just, for knowing so human a passion. - George Santayana
We talk about how he and Leanne are doing knowing full well there is no sufficient answer.p 294 - Michael Perry
What I am saying is, ‘Know the science’. Know what is Soul (The True Self) and Non-Soul (Everything other than the Soul). Upon knowing this, all desires will vanish. - Dada Bhagwan
True happiness is knowing that the world is terrible, but the goodness inside you will overcome it - Bisher Zumot
Knowing my soul is my lifetime-study. - Lailah Gifty Akita
As far as now I can tell that most Stephen King fans don't know him well. They have read or viewed few works and their judge is based on them... that's now well knowing a writer! - Deyth Banger
If knowing something got you where you needed to go, you'd be there already. Put your hand to your heart, take a deep breath in...listen to your heart. It knows. - Eileen Anglin
Those who take responsibility for their actions are the real winners in life. Winners meet life challenges and head on, knowing there are no gurantees, and give it all they've got, and never think it's too late, or too early to begin. - Anonymous
Ignorance is a horrible thing. But arrogance, the belief that knowing a little more than the ignorant makes you wise, is more horrible still. - James Rozoff
Stare. It is the way to educate your eye, and more. Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long. - Walker Evans
We wander along the world along many paths and maybe without knowing it we are walking now along one path towards success! - Stephen Richards
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. - Brian Tracy
Sometimes you just know... And then it doesn't even seem scary. Just certain and joyful. Like a deep stream, flowing steady and strong, jumping and splashing and churning as it passes around and over the land in which it is grounded. And for this knowing, and flowing, I am grateful. - Vashti Lsc
Knowing is not enough. You must accept My blessings in order to attain a better life. You must embrace a higher level of consciousness. - Mary B. Morrison
Fear wears so many clever disguises it is virtually impossible to always recognize it. Fear disguises itself as the need to be somewhere else, doing something else, not knowing how to do something or not needing to do something. - Iyanla Vanzant
Without reading many different books, you can never leave the port of ignorance and can never obtain the peaceful mind of knowing the truth! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Ask questions. Seek answers, knowing you’ll never have all of them. And that’s okay. Sometimes curiosity is its own reward. - Michael Holbrook
The definition of genius is that it acts unconsciously; and those who have produced immortal works, have done so without knowing how or why. The greatest power operates unseen. - William Hazlitt
There is no greater importance in all the world like knowing you are right and that the wave of the world is wrong, yet the wave crashes upon you. - Norman Mailer
A person does not lose so much own professional growth opportunity by knowing less, as much by understanding more than others on the personal level. - Anuj Somany
Knowing that one thing you want is a great step. Sure, whether you prefer or not, you'll get offers, and many will seem that one thing you want. - Ufuoma Apoki
When I see somebody 'suffering for their art', it%uFFFDs usually a case of them not knowing where that red line is, not knowing where the sovereignty lies. - Hugh Macleod
The greatest wisdom consists in knowing one's own follies. - Madame de Sablé
Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway. "Shhh," I urged.I'll love you until my very last breath. Every beat of my heart is yours. I don't want to die without you knowing that."Please don't," I choked. - Prince Maxon, "The One" by Kiera Cass
It is a kind of geisha containment, a shutteredness, a withdrawal and negation. It's as if she is capable of sensing when people are on the point of knowing who she is and she sends them a subliminal denial. - Deirdre Madden
Accept your dark side, understanding it will help you to move with the light. Knowing both sides of our souls, helps us all to move forward in life and to understand that, perfection doesn't exist. - Martin R. Lemieux
What we don't let out traps us. We think, No one else feels this way, I must be crazy. So we don't say anything. And we become enveloped by a deep loneliness, not knowing where our feelings come from or what to do with them. Why do I feel this way? - Sabrina Ward Harrison
Rakitin was dishonest and was decidedly unaware of it; that, on the contrary, knowing that he wouldn't steal money from the table, he ultimately considered himself a man of the highest integrity. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Women lose their lives not knowing they can do something different..." from Two or Three Things i Know For Sure - Dorothy Allison
Faith is the flower that unfolds its own beauty without knowing how it will fulfill life's duty. - Debasish Mridha
Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn - Orson Welles
There is nothing more reassuring than knowing that the world is crazier than you are. - Dr. Erik Selvig Thor The Dark World
In the sweet territory of silence we touch the mystery. It's the place of reflection and contemplation, and it's the place where we can connect with the deep knowing, to the deep wisdom way. - Ángeles Arrien
Let me tell you something: when you dance, you are the greatest dancer who has ever lived. And when you sing, you will have the courage to raise your voice to the heavens, knowing that you may never get an answer. - Emma Forrest
The worst feeling when speaking with someone or receiving a gift from them is knowing they feel obligated to. - Donna Lynn Hope
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